What is a Settlement Planning Trust?

Settlement planning trusts serve personal injury victims who want liquidity and flexibility and who may have uncertain future needs at the time of settlement. These trusts can be used in combination with a structured settlement annuity to provide a more holistic settlement plan.


A settlement trust can give you a more comprehensive settlement plan that provides:

  • Flexibility to meet your changing needs
  • Access to funds when you need them
  • Protection of your settlement proceeds
  • No need to sell future annuity payments


Settlement trusts are adaptable and provide:

  • Payments for health, support and maintenance
  • Replacement of income
  • Investment flexibility – as your needs change, so can your investments
  • Preparation for the unknown – offering control and flexibility when circumstances change


Future expenses are not always predictable. A settlement planning trust adjusts with you so you can have the funds available when you need them, delivered by a person who knows you and understands your circumstances. The process of receiving payments is easy and flexible. Working directly with your administrator, you can receive periodic payments; payments for emergency needs, medical needs and education needs; discretionary payments; and contingent payments.


Through our services, you benefit from flexibility, protection, security and savings, ensuring the overall value you receive from your settlement award surpasses your expectations.


Our holistic approach includes:

  • One-on-one service – from a dedicated trust administrator assigned to you
  • Video conferencing – face-to-face meetings in the convenience of your home
  • Access to key services – bringing you more services and reducing costs, so your money works harder and goes farther
  • Coordination with your providers – making sure you get what you want when you need it


Midland Trust Company delivers value and service through experience, objectivity and compassion. Call today and learn how we advocate for your success.